The knowledge and experience gained over the years allowed the development of another in a long line of Krämer firsts: The WIP deduster introduced in 2000. Pioneering innovations and continuous improvements to meet our customer's requirements have led to the new generation of KD70 WIP dedusters. They set another standard in high-containment (OEB5) in the production of highly active and potent products.
Concept A: Flooding
- High water consumption depending on system height
- Washing speed depending on system height
- During flooding the deduster must be disconnected from
press or a deduster inlet-valve must be installed
Concept B: Manual wash-down with nozzles
- Medium water consumption depending on washing time?
- Fast washing speed
Concept C: Fully Automatic wash-down with nozzles
- Medium water consumption depending on washing time
- Fast washing speed
- Wash recipe programmable by customer
- Product Divertor V4000
- Controller featuring an accleration sensor
- Various helix surfaces available on request
- Contained system for high potential agents
- DT level: up to OEB 5
- Featuring an acceleration sensor that assures constant
vibration, independant of the load / amount of tablets
in the deduster
- Vibration free housing patented drive unit
- Easy assembly and disassembly no tools needed
- Improved dedusting and deburring capabilities thanks
to optimized combination of vibration, dust agitation
air and vacuum suction
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